“SETFOS is an invaluable tool in my research on perovskite solar cells and detectors. Its user-friendly interface, numerical robustness and comprehensive documentation allows me to efficiently explore device physics without being hindered too much by numerical complexities. I greatly appreciate its powerful optimization tools, extensive materials database and fast, reliable analysis capabilities, which have significantly enhanced my research workflow over the last years. Most importantly, SETFOS has allowed me to productively team up with my expert colleagues at CNR-IMM, who now frequently seek my input, knowing I can provide rapid and well-founded insights into their experimental results.”
Dr. Gaetano Calogero
“Setfos is both powerful and intuitive, making it an incredible asset for optimizing our OLEDs. The team at Fluxim is excellent in providing support for their users. With Setfos’s accurate modeling capabilities, we have been able to reduce our number of experiments by an order of magnitude, saving tremendously on both the time and costs to commercialization.”
Dr. Jonathan Schrecengost, OLEDWorks
“SETFOS has been a great tool for our OLED and OPV research. It is intuitive to use and has a user-friendly interface that allows new researchers to spin up quickly in device design and modeling. The flexibility to integrate SETFOS with Python and other languages has been especially useful in enabling us to extend our modeling and automate some of our simulation routines. The Fluxim staff are quick to address questions and are proactive in improving and extending the capabilities of SETFOS based on user feedback.”
Prof. Dr. Noel Giebink, Giebink Research Group, University of Michigan
“Recently, we received a Litos Lite with 56 channels. I am so glad that the instrument integrates an LED-based sun simulator. This is far more convenient than replacing Xenon bulbs all the time. The custom-made sample holders work for our 3 different sample layouts, and with the parallel JV characterization and MPPT, we are saving a lot of time. I also appreciate the good support received by the Fluxim team.”
Dr . Justin Chen, Reinhold Dauskardt Group, Stanford University
Phelos angle-dependent photoluminescence (PL)/electroluminescence (EL) spectrometer along with Setfos package is a great combination of hardware and software to characterize the orientation of emission transition dipole moment. User-friendly interface and a broad range of parameters, such as polarization angles, position angles, driving current, and J-V parameters to investigate the PL as well as EL characteristics of light-emitting semiconductors. We have extensively used both Phelos and Setfos to understand the quantum emission characteristics of perovskites and organometallic complexes and light-extraction efficiency in PeLEDs and OLEDs. We found these tools allowed fast data acquisition, simulation, and in-depth understanding of emission characteristics of LEDs and OLEDs
Dr. Kumar Sudhir, Nanomaterials Engineering Research Group, Institute for Chemical and Bioengineering, ETH Zürich
“ I highly recommend SETFOS, which I mostly use for simulating and understanding both time (TPV, TPC) and frequency domain (IMVS, IMPS and IS) measurements on perovskite solar cells. The user interface is easy to use and manipulate in combination with the scripting and sweep features, allowing to set up and simulate complex experiments easily. The engineers and scientists at Fluxim also provide excellent support and have been very helpful with any questions and clarifications asked of them.”
Dr Sandheep Ravi Shankar, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
LITOS LITE is highly recommended!
We have one in our labs and we are saving hours of work by measuring many samples at one time. No time to build our setup up so this was a great purchase!
Prof. Juan-Pablo Correa-Baena, Leader of the Energy Materials Lab, Materials Science and Engineering at Georgia Tech, USA
“Laoss helps us to better understand systems before we commit time and resources to make them in the lab.”
Dr Gregory Burwell, Department of physics, Swansea University
“I have used the Setfos to aid OLED optical design for over three years. Overall, the experience is good since it is easy to use and in good agreement with experimental results.”
Justin C Shichen Yin, Organic Electronic Materials and Devices Laboratory (OEMDLab), NC State University
“I recently started using PAIOS. I have done some measurements for eg Photo CELIV, Charge extraction etc. Indeed, I need to work on analysis part. Results are promising. Hope soon we will publish some results.
I am happy with PAIOS instrument. 😊.”
Suraj Prasad, Engineering and Physics Group, Karlstads University
5 star recommendation for LITOS LITE and FLUXIM support. A great choice for my lab, for setting up a nicely working system for monitoring stability under different conditions of our perovskite solar cells! Great communication with FLUXIM for installation, training and support! Highly recommended!
Prof. Giulia Grancini
Director of ERC HYNANO project and pvsquared2 team and University of Pavia, Italy
In our Energy Harvesting Research Group, we have started using both PAIOS and SETFOS for the characterization of perovskite solar cells very recently. We find both tools very helpful in understanding the device physics of perovskite solar cells and different kinds of charge carrier losses through recombination. The multitude of characterization facilities such as light intensity-dependent J-V, Capacitance-Voltage measurement, transient photovoltaic and transient photocurrent, impedance measurement and charge transport characterization such as SCLC and CELIV all integrated into one set-up is so versatile to give an overview of different loss mechanisms and strength of one device structure over the other. Our research is particularly focussing on indoor photovoltaic development where the carrier management is stringent due to the low intensity and low carrier concentration. We have found PAIOS an excellent supportive tool to enhance our research.
I would like to specifically mention the technical service the Fluxim team is providing, starting the very first discussion with the team. The technical and scientific support they are providing is highly commendable and the Fluxim team is the world best in device physics and genuinely supporting others’ research.
Dr Lethy Krishnan Jagadamma, Leader of the Energy Harvesting Research Group, University of St Andrews, UK
“The latest version of SETFOS is really nice with all the new features, especially the addition of IMVS, so thanks for that”
Ruichen Yi, Fudan University
“ When it comes to simulations, Setfos is a particularly effective tool. The versatility and variety of options are excellent. I currently simulate tr-PL curves using Setfos and I enjoy how user-friendly the interface is. It is simple to set-up the simulation and the direct output makes it straightforward to understand the behaviors and results of your simulation right away. Items like the sweeps option are very helpful because they allow you to gain detailed insights into how materials and stacks behave.”
Toby Rudolph, PhD Student, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
Setfos is a great simulation software for OLED designs. The user interface is intuitive to use, and the graphical presentation of the simulation results is well done. We find the quantification of optical modes and determination of their dispersion particularly useful. It allows us to optimize the OLED structure with a few clicks, and the results are in good agreement with experimental data. Setfos saved us a tremendous amount of time to model our nanostructured OLEDs. It is truly a powerful tool for our OLED research.
Prof. Franky So, North Carolina State University, United States
“We have extensively used both SETOS and LAOSS in our recent endeavour to model large-area OPV and OLED devices. The intuitive workflow of both software packages allows us to quickly try out new ideas before realising them experimentally.“
Dr Ardalan Armin, Ser-SAM group, Department of physics, Swansea University
The software Setfos is an outstanding program for assisting in the development of OLED displays. It provides the predictive capabilities, and physical insight into the optical performance that is needed to optimise your design. It's a fast and powerful package that a user will immediately benefit from.
Dr. Ian Parker, Materials Development Manager DuPont Displays, Santa Barbara, USA
Paios and Setfos have been an asset to our research capability in CSIRO Energy and a key tool in our research and assessment of next generation thin-film photovoltaics, in particular, organic and perovskite solar cells. One of the key points of differentiation – and a clear attraction – has been the flexibility of the system and the ease in which user-defined experiments can be created. Our Team has appreciated the interaction with Fluxim and realised this has been much more than a transactional experience – we’ve formed a real partnership between developers and researchers.
Dr Gregory J. Wilson, Research Group Leader, CSIRO Energy, Newcastle, Australia
The setfos software is a fundamental optical simulation tool for the development of highly efficient OLED structures. New features of this software like including several different emission zones are of major importance for developing efficient white light OLED structures containing more than one emitting material. The flexibility, speed, and reliability of this software combined with its huge variety of simulation tools concerning various physical key quantities like angular dependence, color coordinates, or reflection spectra allow further improvement and basic insight of OLEDs.
Dr. Jan Blochwitz-Nimoth CTO Novaled AG, Dresden, Germany
As an advanced optical simulation software, Setfos provides great opportunities for researching optical features both in light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and solar cells. The operation of Setfos is quite clear and easy. Moreover, it gives us useful physical insights of light manipulation when we design our optoelectronic devices. Our experimental data and theoretical analysis have been well demonstrated via simply modelling and computing with Setfos. It is truly a recommendable tool for studying LEDs and solar cells.
Prof. Dr. Jianxin Tang, Soochow University, Suzhou, China
As an OLED researcher, I am very thankful for the Fluxim tools we have in our Group at ZHAW. Thanks to Paios and Phelos I can characterize my OLEDs in various regimes, such as transient, frequency, or steady-state and angle-dependent, and this all by just a few clicks. Thanks to the simulation software Setfos I can set up an electro-optical device model to reproduce the experimental data, which helps me to understand better the physics inside the OLED. Knowing the emission zone or the charge carrier distribution of an OLED can give you hints on efficiency or lifetime improvements.
Dr. Markus Regnat, ZHAW School of Engineering, Switzerland
Setfos is a very powerful simulation tool developed by Fluxim predominantly in the field of OLED and OPV researches. We are heavily dependent on this simulation tool regarding our research activities in OLED and OPV as evident in our publications. Setfos not only helps us in optimizing the device structures prior to device fabrication experimentally but also assists in analyzing the device physics through the simulation on the contribution of the various optical modes in the device as well as estimating the important parameters such as color co-ordinates, angular dependence, reflection and transmission co-efficient etc. Undoubtedly, Setfos takes an important role in the progress OLED and OPV researches.
Prof. Shun-Wei Liu, Department of Electronic Engineering & Organic Electronic Research Center, Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan
The automated measurement platform Paios allows one to perform a series of measurements on organic solar cells within a matter of minutes, which otherwise would have taken days.
Tom van der Hofstad, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Setfos is a great product for researchers who want to simulate the performance of organic solar cells without having to design and build custom simulation software. By licensing Setfos, we were able to quickly answer many research questions and publish results in a matter of months.
Jon Bartelt, Stanford University, Stanford CA, USA
We successfully characterized the transient response of silicon-based solar cells with the Paios measurement system. For instance, we were able to determine the electron mobility and photo-carrier lifetime.
Prof. Dr. Seung Jae Baik, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), South Korea
The software Setfos is an efficient design and simulation tool for Organic LEDs and Solar Cells. Our post graduate and PhD scholars are using it and found it useful for their research work in related areas. I have no hesitation in recommending it to faculty & students for their research work.
Dr. Rajesh Mehra, Head of Electronics & Communication Engineering Department, National Institute of Technical Teachers' Training & Research
At the Holst Centre, in the OLED Lighting program, the setfos modeling tool has proven its worth by enabling accurate predictions of light emission from OLEDs on glass, plastic and metal substrates. I have experienced firsthand that this sophisticated and user-friendly software package can be used to interpret measurements and extract the relevant parameters efficiently. Such information is essential in order to improve light emission from novel OLED device designs. Fluxim also provides excellent customer support by hosting annual workshops, providing assistance whenever requested and by inquiring what features are considered valuable and essential.
Dr. Stephan Harkema, Senior Researcher, Holst Centre / TNO, Eindhoven, the Netherlands
I have used setfos extensively to investigate the emission zone in polymer light-emitting diodes and electrochemical cells. The speed, reliability, and flexibility of this software make it ideal for a wide range of applications, particularly in the optimization of device structures or in the fundamental research of device physics.
Dr. Janelle Leger University of California Santa Cruz, USA
Setfos is a very convenient tool to be used to predict the optical and electrical outcome from OLED and OPV devices. It also shows a physical insight of the charge transport properties in organic electronic system. The user interface is friendly, and it is an ideal tool for optimization of organic device structures.
Dr. Ng Ging-Meng, Research Staff Member, Institute of Materials Research & Engineering (IMRE), A*STAR, Singapore
Our team purchased the optical and electrical modules of Setfos in July 2020. The operation interface of the software is intuitive, friendly, and easy to operate. The software itself contains rich information within a large material database. In the OLED device simulation process, we can simulate the emission spectrum of OLED, and simultaneously the recombination zone of charge transfer and drift spread. It can also help us to modify the design of device structure and can effectively analyze and improve the OLED device efficiency. The results calculated by Setfos could be served as a good reference point for our scientific research. We would highly recommend you consider Setfos as the option.
Dr. Ding, OLED simulation team, Ningbo Research Institute, China